Leveraging data potential
Request of the customer
EVU-ASSIST, a northern German service provider for energy supply companies, has been supporting small to medium-sized companies in the energy sector since 2005. The team of business economists, engineers and lawyers offers comprehensive support in regulation management, network controlling and contract management. The ‘Inspire’ project takes data handling and the company's associated services to a new level. The project is funded by the European Union, the federal government and Schleswig-Holstein as part of the state's economic programme.
The first project phase of the Inspire project has shown us opportunities in many areas of the company where we can leverage efficiencies within our day-to-day processes, for example in the form of automation and standardised conventions. For us, the first milestone marks the end of a first chapter in our digitalisation process and, despite the thematic complexity, we are looking forward to continuing the project together. I have always found the collaboration with Naymspace to be professional, solution-orientated and objective.
This is how we implemented it
Much of the daily work at EVU-ASSIST is based on extensive Excel spreadsheets. This is a functioning process, but until now it has had to be implemented manually and is therefore time-consuming and error-prone due to the volume of data. The new Excel add-in was developed to efficiently link the large number of tables with the portal. This involved carefully evaluating which processes should continue to be carried out manually in Excel and which should be replaced by the add-in. Being able to process the data in a more diverse way also requires the carefully coordinated integration of a wide range of services and APIs, including Tableau, Microsoft Azure and SharePoint, as well as Amazon S3.
Our project result
Inspire’ is a portal that semi-automates this process and adds additional useful functions. The valuable data can now be used more quickly, easily and reliably, for example to create meaningful visualisations and dashboards for end customers. The Excel add-in significantly improves the previous import and export process in terms of both effort and quality. The central portal now serves as a single point of contact between EVU-ASSIST and third parties. This enables more direct communication and opens up the possibility of expanding existing services. For example, the data from the Excel add-in is forwarded to an Amazon S3 storage, which is the interface to M2. from Berlin. The data is collected, filtered and processed there in order to create extensive dashboards and complex visualisations. The integration of Microsoft SharePoint facilitates the exchange of files between EVU-ASSIST and customers.
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