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App aufs Land_

The influencer Deichdeern has a vision to inspire people with an experience platform for country life. We are developing a progressive web app for her with a responsive design and payment system to bring interested parties and providers of country experiences together quickly and easily.
Platform for country experiences

Platform for country experiences

Request of the customer

When an entrepreneur with so much energy and passion puts her favourite project in our hands, we do everything we can to bring her vision to life. The vision of Julia Nissen, better known as influencer Deichdeern, is to inspire people with an experience platform for country life. Off to the countryside with the countryside app.

The European Union and the state of Schleswig-Holstein are funding the initiative. It aims to bring city dwellers and country dwellers closer together again - harvesting potatoes together, chatting at the milk stand, learning Low German or even enjoying a digital wine tasting.

This is how we implemented it

We create the page as a Progressive Web App (PWA). PWAs are basically websites that work like native apps. The PWA can be downloaded from both the Google Play Store and the Apple Store.

By integrating Google Maps, visitors to the site can quickly and easily find out where they can register for their next landing experience.

React comes into play for the implementation of the admin area, offer and booking management in the back office. The extremely popular, widely used library can also be extended wonderfully, not least because there are already many packages on the market.

Our project result

In close consultation with the entrepreneur, we develop a concept for the platform from scratch. In order to motivate as many providers as possible to join, the booking system is designed to be user-friendly, both in the front end and the back end. For example, a progress bar shows providers how far they have progressed in creating their offer, which makes the process even easier.

We integrate PayPal Plus as a payment system. This allows payment via PayPal, but also by direct debit and credit card, even if the customer does not have a PayPal account.

The responsive design not only matches the theme of country life, but also the influencer's well-known style: green, cheerful and modern.


PayPal · React · Elixir / Phoenix

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